Madrid's metrosucces (en andere links)
Nvidia, EU inc, Pakistan solar boom, masterclass filmmaken, lessen van een kunstgalerie
Nvidia’s unieke cultuur en geschiedenis. “At NVIDIA, they started the “Top 5 Emails” system where, every week or two, every employee writes an email to their team, manager, and various distribution lists that Jensen can access. These emails outline the top five things they’re working on or the top five things they’ve observed. It could be a major competitor’s move, a new technology, or a cool AI paper. Everyone knows what their team is working on, and Jensen reads hundreds of these emails every day.”
Hoe Madrid goedkope metro bouwt. “Yet 1995 was the beginning of a revolutionary building spree. Over the course of the next 12 years, the metro grew by 126 miles (203 kilometers), nearly tripling in length. This expansion made it one of the world’s fastest-growing metros, on par with Beijing and Shanghai. Today, Madrid has the sixth longest metro outside of China, and the third longest in Europe after London and Moscow.”
EU, inc. Niet de oplossing voor alles, maar klein stapje in de goede richting. Getekend!
Pakistan solar boom. Solarpunk vibes: “The panels are now cheaper than the frames they’re supposed to be mounted on, so some farmers just lay them on the ground.”
Masterclass filmmaken. Gratis en voor niets, van een obsessieve. Het internet, mensen.
Gerelateerd: deze documentaire over Stanley Kubrick is de beste documentaire die ik ooit over een filmmaker heb gezien.
Zes lessen van werken in een kunstgalerie. “The best artists I’ve worked with remind me of the best startup founders I know.”